
[100g Medium Roast] 台湾産 森悦高峰コーヒー農園 SL34 ハニー TAIWAN Sen Yue High Pk. SL34 Honey
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豆のまま Whole Bean
粉(ペーパードリップ用)For Paper Filter
TAIWAN Sen Yue High Pk. SL34 Honey
Roast Level: Medium
SWEETNESS ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎
FLAVOR ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎
ACIDITY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎
BODY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎
AFTER TASTE ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎
FLAVOR NOTE: darjeeling tea, citric, lychee, pear, cacao nibs, long sweet
Region Ren'ai Township of Nantou County
Farm Sen Yue High Pk.
Variety SL34
Process Honey
Altitude 1450m
For international shipping, the shipping fee is a flat rate for orders up to 2000g.
For more details, please click here ↓
WU,CHEN-HUNG / Sen Yue High Pk.
ロット標高: 1450 m
品種: SL34
プロセス: ハニー
ロットサイズ: 30 kg
「Sen Yue High Pk」は、南投県の仁愛郷に位置し、標高1,450メートルにあります。涼しい気候と十分な日照を持ち、この土地はコーヒー栽培に適した楽園です。農園を「Sen Yue High Pk」と名付けた理由は、オーナーである呉振宏(Wu Chen-Hung)がこの土地への情熱とスペシャルティコーヒーへの夢を表現したかったからです。さらに、高品質なコーヒーの木々で満ちた森のイメージを具現化したいという思いも込められています。
「Sen Yue High Pk」を築き上げる際、呉は多くの労力と挫折を経験しました。それでも、彼は「最初の目的を変えなければ、どんな困難にも立ち向かえる」と信じていました。最大の課題の一つは、標高が高いため水を確保することが難しい点でした。彼はドリップ灌漑システムを導入することでこれを解決し、コーヒーの成長段階に応じた施肥計画も考案しました。つまり、栽培から加工まで、呉はコーヒー生産の各段階に心血を注ぎました。
スペシャルティコーヒーの夢を実現することから、国際舞台での機会と挑戦に直面するまで、すべては呉の想像を超えるものでした。しかし、呉振宏は「スペシャルティコーヒーを育てるという最初の志を持ち続け、土地を大切にし、全力を尽くせば、『Sen Yue High Pk』のコーヒーを必ず多くの人が愛してくれるだろう」と信じています。
●Lot Info
Altitude: 1450 m
Veriaty: SL34
Processing: Honey
Lot Size: 30 kg
Processing detail: After the harvest, fresh cherries were left in perforated baskets at 15℃ overnight. Pulping was done the next morning. Coffee was then solar dried on raised beds for 6 hours (turned every 2 hours) during the day and mechanical dried at 35-40℃ during the night for 5 days. Storage in walk-in cooler.
Sen Yue High Pk," located in Ren'ai Township of Nantou County, is 1,450m above sea level. With cool weather and ample sunlight, this is a paradise suitable for coffee cultivation. The reason for naming the farm " Sen Yue High Pk " is that the owner Wu Chen-Hung wants to express his enthusiasm for this land and his dream of specialty coffee. On top of that, he wants to embody the image of the forest full of high-quality coffee trees.
The major coffee variety cultivated in this farm is SL-34. At first, Wu Chen-Hung had no idea about the origin of this variety. However, the production was not bad. The variety was adapted to the climate of the farm. Besides, it was easy to harvest. As a result, Wu just thought this coffee had great cost-performance ratio. This description may seem simple and straightforward; however, specialty coffee of Wu is by no means simple. He worked in construction-related industry before, which was very stressful. He enjoyed staying in the natural forest because that was an excellent way to relieve stress. He started thinking about growing coffee after retirement since then. Introduced by his friend, he found this farm in the mountains. This was his first step towards the dream of coffee.
While building "Sen Yue High Pk," he went through lots of labor-intensive work and frustration. Nevertheless, he believed that if the original intention does not change, he would be able to solve any difficulties he encountered. One of the challenges was that it is difficult to acquire water because of the high altitude. His solution was to use drip irrigation. He also devised fertilization plans for different growth stages of the coffee trees. In other words, from cultivation to processing, Wu put all his heart and efforts into each stage of coffee production.
Wu Chen-Hung reckons that the first PCA in 2021 created a positive impact on Taiwanese coffee growers. Growers are more empowered and want to pursue higher quality coffee. Through PCA, Taiwanese coffee growers can be seen by more people, step onto the international stage, and connect with international buyers. He believes that this international competition poses the greatest challenge to Taiwanese coffee growers. Because after connecting with the international market, the production volume must be further improved to meet the demand of international buyers. Undoubtedly, Taiwan PCA is a milestone for Taiwanese specialty coffee, which symbolizes a new era of specialty coffee in Taiwan.
From realizing the dream of specialty coffee, to facing the opportunities and challenges when standing on the international stage, all things are beyond the imagination of Wu. However, Wu Chen-Hung believes that as long as we still hold the original intention of cultivating specialty coffee, treat the land friendly, and do our best, then people will surely fall in love with the coffee of " Sen Yue High Pk.
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