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[100g][Full City Roast]スイート デカフェ ブレンド Sweet Decafe Blend



  • 豆のまま Whole Beans


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SWEET DECAFE BLEND BEAN INFO: Mexico Honey Chiapas SHG washed 40% Guatemala SHB Washed 30% Ethiopia Guji G2 Dari W.S. Natural 30% *MWprocess 99.9%Decaf Roast Level: Full City SWEETNESS ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎ FLAVOR ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎ ACIDITY ⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎ BODY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎ AFTER TASTE ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎ FLAVOR NOTE: Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Brown Sugar, Clean ILLUSTRATION: みほすけ https://www.instagram.com/photo___suke/ For international shipping, the shipping fee is a flat rate for orders up to 2000g. For more details, please click here ↓ https://flapcoffee.stores.jp/news/66d547935d5206040dc8fcfb あっさりしがちなカフェインレスコーヒーですが、FLAP COFFEEのデカフェブレンドはしっかりとしたコーヒー感がありミルクとも相性がとても良くホットでもアイスでも美味しく召し上がれます。 妊娠中の方やカフェインが苦手な方にオススメです! デカフェ処理工場:メキシコDexcamex社にて99.9%デカフェされています。 Decaffeinated coffee can often be TOO mild, but OUR decaf blend has rich and deep coffee flavor that pairs wonderfully with milk, making it delicious whether served hot or iced. It is highly recommended for those who are pregnant or sensitive to caffeine. Decaffeination Process: The coffee is decaffeinated at the Dexcamex facility in Mexico, achieving a 99.9% caffeine-free product.
