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[100g High Roast] ライフブレンド LIFE BLEND



  • 豆のまま Whole Bean


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LIFE BLEND Blend Info: Mexico Anaerobic Natural 50% Guatemala Anaerobic Natural 50% ROAST LEVEL: HIGH SWEETNESS ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎ FLAVOR ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎ ACIDITY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎ BODY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎⚪︎ AFTER TASTE ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎ FLAVOR NOTE: Mango, Orange, Passion Fruits, Pineapple, Chocolate, Nectar, Long after taste ILLUSTRATION: Soushirow Yamanoha https://www.instagram.com/so_w_tattoo/ For international shipping, the shipping fee is a flat rate for orders up to 2000g. For more details, please click here ↓ https://flapcoffee.stores.jp/news/66d547935d5206040dc8fcfb 生き生きとした明るいフレーバーが特徴的で力強く情熱的なフルーツの風味が感じられるANAEROBIC(嫌気発酵)コーヒーや発酵感のあるコーヒーを使用したブレンドです。生活の様々なシーンで気持ちにスイッチを入れたいときにお試しくださいね。 This blend is made exclusively with anaerobic fermented coffee and coffee with fermented nuances, known for its vibrant and lively flavors, characterized by strong and passionate fruit notes. It's perfect for those moments when you want to uplift your spirits in various aspects of life. Give it a try and experience a burst of energy and brightness!
