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[100g][Medium Roast] インドネシア セソンゴット農園 スマトラ ガヨ ナチュラル Indonesia Aulia Sumatra Gayo Natural



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INDONESIA AULIA SUMATORA GAYO BEANS INFO: REGION Sumatra PRODUCER Mr. Aulia Kahfi FARM Sesongot Farm VARIETY Tim Tim, Ateng Super PROCESS Natural ALTITUDE 1400-1500m MOISTURE 0.111 CUPPING SCORE 85 Roast Level:Medium Roast SWEETNESS ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎ FLAVOR ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎ ACIDITY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎ BODY ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎ AFTER TASTE ⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚫︎⚪︎⚪︎ FLAVOR NOTE: natural wine, orange, cardamom, peach, sugarcane For international shipping, the shipping fee is a flat rate for orders up to 2000g. For more details, please click here ↓ https://flapcoffee.stores.jp/news/66d547935d5206040dc8fcfb ナチュラルプロセシングされたナチュラルワインを思わせる濃縮グレープ感とブラッドオレンジやピーチのようなフルーツとほのかなハーブを感じさせるインドネシアです! スマトラ式やWet Hullingと言われる精製(プロセシング)で提供される印象のあるインドネシアのマンデリンですが、今回は完熟のコーヒーチェリーを果肉がついたまま乾燥させるナチュラル製法で精製しました。 果実感あふれる酸味とやわらかい甘み、ナチュラルならではの特徴的な香りが楽しめます。生産者はスマトラ島ガヨ地区のAulia氏です。もとは天然石を売る仕事をしていた彼ですが、数年前にコーヒーの世界に飛び込み、努力を重ねる新進気鋭の生産者です。 Indonesia offers a reminiscent of natural wine with its concentrated grape sensation and fruit notes reminiscent of blood orange and peach, along with subtle hints of herbs! Mandheling from Indonesia, known for its distinctive processing techniques such as Sumatra-style or Wet Hulling, has been meticulously processed this time using the natural method, where fully ripe coffee cherries are dried with the pulp intact. You can enjoy a fruity acidity, gentle sweetness, and distinctive aroma characteristic of natural processing. The producer is Mr. Aulia from the Gayo region of Sumatra Island. Originally working in the trade of natural stones, he ventured into the world of coffee a few years ago and has since become a promising and hardworking producer.
